Other Glazings

In addition to double glazing, Rylock is able to supply myriad of glass types for specific applications. These include issues like safety, security, privacy, noise minimisation & the first steps towards energy efficiency.

From a safety perspective, Rylock Sales Consultants are well versed in the requirements of the Building Code of Australia, & its relevant glazing regulations. Safety glass can also offer an effective solution to security concerns, especially with laminated glazings. Privacy applies to both yourself, & any neighbours affected by your project.

As a first step towards energy efficiency, Rylock's new SG Series is designed with high-performance single glazings in mind. Many of these are marketed through the SmartGlass brand.

The fact sheets able to be downloaded below contain detail on specific glazing types.

Safety Glazing

The dangers of broken glass are readily apparent, especially where direct contact with people is possible. To minimise the risk of serious injury around the home, a specific section on human impact exists within the Australian Standard for Windows in Buildings (AS2047 – 2006). Safety glazing comes in two main varieties: laminated and toughened

The advantage of toughened glass is that it will handle much higher forces than annealed or laminated glass before destruction. Under extreme duress, it will shatter into numerous small pieces with dulled edges, minimising the possibility of human injury. Toughened glass is available in many thicknesses and compositions, from low-emissivity through to Solar Control Tints and patterned (privacy) glass.

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Laminated glass is manufactured by sandwiching two panes of annealed (untreated) glass together.

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When broken, the annealed laminations will fracture but remain bonded to the interlayer. This behaviour realises improvements in safety and security. Laminated glass can be made up from a variety of panes.